Historical Society to Display Rare Civil War Photos

A Civil War photo from the Medford Historical SocietyPhoto Exhibit to Commemorate Lincoln, King, Obama

Donations Needed for Exhibit

One day after the Martin Luther King holiday and 200 years after Lincoln’s birth, the nation will inaugurate Barack Obama as its first African-American president, and the Medford Historical Society will honor this remarkable series of events with Faces of the Civil War, an exhibition of 30 portraits from its collection of original Civil War photographs, the fifth largest of its kind in the world.

The show opens on February 12, Lincoln’s birthday, and will mark the first time that any of the portraits have been shown to the public. The Historical Society needs to raise $2,100 to make the exhibition happen. Any interested donors should contact Jim Kiely, a member of the Board of Directors, via email at jimkiely1960@aol.com.

– InsideMedford.com