Cugno Announces Re-election Bid for School Committee

My name is Ann Marie Cugno. I am officially announcing my candidacy for re-election to the Medford School Committee.

I am serving my fourth term on the Medford School Committee and it has been a wonderful experience, which I am humble to continue fulfilling.

I have been a life long resident in the city and a graduate of the Medford Public School system. I graduated from the University of Lowell earning my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Foreign Languages and Criminal Justice.

My husband, Michael Cugno and I have been married for 26 years and we have four boys that range from the ages of twenty-five years old to fifteen years old. Two out of the four attend the Medford Public School System. Our eldest children are Medford High School graduates and are now attending undergraduate and graduate schools.

Any policy or issue that affects this community will also affect the people I treasure the most, my children. This candidacy was never a political career move; it was a personal move to be involved in making decisions that affect my family and the people in my community. I take pride and joy in this city.
My husband and I had ample opportunities to move but every time we made a decision we knew in our heart staying in Medford, the city were we grew up in, would be the right decision for us and our family.

I do not consider the campaign trail an obligation to fulfill a few months before election. For me it’s a two year span to prove myself to the people who have elected me to accomplish for both parents and children in our school system what I sent myself to achieve. To be rewarded by the people in this city in re-electing me to the school committee.

I want to continue making sure parents and students receive the best from their elected officials. I want to continue making sure students receive the best education. I’m a candidate who has opened an ear to different ideas and has been willing to roll up my sleeves and work on many projects.

Over these past eight years I have brought changes, fresh ideas and integrity to the Medford School Committee. I have not only represented the City of Medford as a Medford School Committee member, but also in the different positions on a state level. I have been honored to serve in various positions with the purpose not only to educate myself, but to bring back and share what I’ve learned with my colleagues and constituents. Involving myself with the Massachusetts Association of School Committee Members, (MASC) I not only advocate as a board member for the State of Massachusetts, I have been able to showcase Medford at a local, state and national level. Doing so, I have given Medford a seat at the table to discuss important issues. A position from what I understand has never been held by any other Medford School Committee Member.

The philosophy at the end of the day for me is that I have stayed true to myself and the people I represent, even when the decisions have been extremely difficult.

In the past eight years as a Medford School Committee Member some of the projects and positions I have held are as follows: I was a founder of the Summer Fun Program, the Medford Fit for Life 5K and Co-Chair of the Energy Smackdown Program. I have and still serve as Vice Chair on the Finance Sub-Committee of Shore Collaborative as well on the Board of Directors. I have served as Vice Chair and Chair of Division II of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC).

However, with everything else I am involved with I continue to advocate and learn. Two years ago I decided to run for a position on the Massachusetts Associations of School Committees (MASC) Executive Board. I was elected as Secretary/Treasurer, and now serve as President-Elect. At this point and time I believe it is safe to say starting in January I will be serving as President of the MASC.

I have also had the pleasure of Chairing and forming the committee for the renovation of the Marsha Caron Theater at Medford High School and preside as Chair on the Buildings and Grounds sub-committee. I am a member of the School Wide Recycle Committee, the Medford High School Pool Committee, the MHS Site Counsel and the Band Parent Group. I have co-hosted with State Representative Paul Donato Anti-Bullying educational forums for our parents and students. I have been honored by Governor Deval Patrick by being appointed to the Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC)

I’m proud and excited to say in the last two years along with my Medford School Committee colleagues we have approved the funding and implementation of a city wide technology system, a renovation of the Medford High Pool and our latest project, the reconstruction of our science department. Once completed, it will be a state of the art facility and department.

I am a candidate who will continue working hard, continue making changes, and continue advocating not only on a local level but on a state and national level. I have and will continue to advocate and raise the bar for our students.

Continue working together preparing our children to be college and career ready.

For me the bottom line is serving on the Medford School Committee does not begin and end every other Monday night. It is a position I respect and work on each and everyday.

There is a quote from Benjamin Franklin one of our learned scholars and founding fathers I fell in love with even before my political career began. A quote I believe sums up my past eight years on the Medford School Committee.

“Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, show me and I will learn.”

Although we are running unopposed your vote is still vital and I ask for your continued support and vote on Tuesday, Nov 5th Cugno, number 1 on the ballot.

– Submitted by Ann Marie Cugno