St. Joseph’s Choir Seeking Members

Have you ever thought of joining a choir but are not sure whether you are able to make the commitment?

Then consider this: each Sunday this summer, on a week-by-week basis, the St. Joseph Parish, Medford music ministry would like to invite anyone who is interested to come to the choir loft at 11:15AM for coffee, a rehearsal and to join the members of the adult choir in singing at the Noon Mass.

The summer provides a “low-commitment” approach to finding out how you might fare as a choir singer. The response has been great these last few years, and the summer has gained us some wonderful new choir members!

As your schedules permit, we would love to see many of you there! And please feel free to bring your family members, neighbors and friends – spread the word!! Thanks!

– Submitted by Betsy Pesce, Music Director, St. Joseph Parish Music Ministry