State Rep Candidate Forum Tuesday Night

Map of the 23rd Middlesex House DistrictA map of the 23rd Middlesex House District, which includes much of Arlington and West Medford. and the Medford High School Social Studies Department are co-sponsoring a candidate forum for the 23rd Middlesex House Race tonight, Tuesday, January 29, at 7PM in the Medford High School Caron Theater.

Each of the 5 candidates vying for the seat formerly held for now-State Senator Jim Marzilli will attend the forum- Arlington School Committee members Jeff Thielman and Sean Garballey, former Arlington Town Moderator John Worden, Arlington resident and business owner Robert Valeri, and Arlington resident Andrew O’Brien.

The candidates will field questions from the audience and the forum is expected to last about an hour and a half.

O’Brien, Thielman, and Garballey will square off in a Democratic primary scheduled for the same day as the presidential primary in Massachusetts on Tuesday, February 5. The winner of the Democratic primary will face Worden, running as a Republican, and Valeri, running independently, in a special election on March 4.


Visit’s special web page for the race