Letter: Medford is a Welcoming Community

The following letter is in reference to a message targeting gays that was recently posted on a sign in Medford Square:

Once again the Medford Human Rights and Disability Commissions are witnessing what a wonderful welcoming community Medford is. The feedback from the inappropriate signboard posted in Medford Square tells us that this is not the sentiments felt by the people of Medford.

Many residents, along with our Commissions celebrate this spirit of tolerance and openness that characterizes our city. The Commission — whose charter calls upon us “to reinforce a positive community atmosphere……. to promote understanding to eliminate prejudice and intolerance…..” is proud to serve as an amplifier for the voices of good will throughout our city. We have always stood and will continue to stand with other civic and religious organizations that promote tolerance and understanding and call upon all of them to join us specifically in condemning public expressions of hate and intolerance. Hateful expressions of any type, even those protected by free speech, do not foster a positive community spirit we all value so highly.

We thank the many members of the Medford community who raise their voices to foster tolerance and understanding throughout the city and beyond.

– Diversity Director Diane McLeod, Medford Human Rights Commission, and Disability Commission

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