Spring Might Finally Arrive in Medford
|– Allison Goldsberry
If the long-range forecast can be trusted, mild weather might actually be possible this week.
Despite some very short-lived teases of sun and nearly sixty degree temperatures, it has felt like spring has only happened in name only since the end of March. In addition, below average temperatures have been made even more intolerable with gray skies and high winds over the past couple of weeks.
Perhaps spring has so far just meant the absence of snow, with Medford enduring its last snow emergency and seventh school snow day on March 19.
The National Weather Service’s forecast for the week actually shows temperatures in the sixties. However, there is a chance of rain everyday and even thunderstorms on Tuesday.
In the mean time, check out this photo, taken on March 23, 2012. Unusually warm temperatures at that time last year, in the seventies and even the eighties, had prompted flowers and trees like this one to bloom early!