The following is a statement from Medford resident, Attorney General, and Senate candidate Martha Coakley: “On this Veteran’s Day, we honor all the men and women who have
Popular High School Program Shows Students History Behind Holiday Over forty Medford veterans visited Medford High School on Monday as part of a special program organized by the
There are 16,000 names on the four veterans’ memorials at Medford’s Honor Roll Park, honoring those who served in World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars.Â
A quarter of all homeless people are veterans, and during the winter season, they need your help. This year, the need is greater than ever for warm winter
The following is from City Councilor Robert Penta, who was re-elected to another term: I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation to the voters of Medford for their
The following is from School Committee candidate Chris Murphy: Dear Medford residents, During my closing speech at the Democratic City Committee sponsored debate for Medford School Committee, I
The following is a statement from newly elected candidate Bill O’Keefe, who will join the Medford School Committee in January 2010: I would like to thank all the
‘Erg-a-thon’ to Raise Money for Boats, Equipment for Team The Medford High School crew team is pictured above at the state championships in Worcester. Photo courtesy Coach Amy
Temporary Structure Will be Built On-Site The city DPW building after a suspicious blaze destroyed the building last year. Photo by Jimmy Morse of – Allison Goldsberry
The following is an announcement from US Representative Edward Markey (D-Malden): Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee–one of three committees
Medford senior captain Giovani Sanders is pictured at right running into the end zone in a game against Cambridge last season. – Allison Goldsberry The Mustang football team