City Council to Meet Tuesday, August 18

Medford City CouncilCouncil to Discuss Meals, Hotel Tax Increases

The Medford City Council will meet Tuesday, August 18, at 7PM at City Hall and will discuss a number of important items.

One major item up for discussion is raising hotel and meals taxes to create more revenue for the city.

Mayor Michael McGlynn also filed a paper with the Council recommending a 6% hotel tax. The mayor is also recommending a .75% meals tax. Both taxes are local tax options intended to boost the city’s coffers and are up to individual communities to approve.

A vote to approve both tax increases must occur before August 31 for the tax to go into effect October 1.

Other items on the fourteen-page agenda include a motion by Councilor Robert Maiocco to address graffiti; a $1,000 gift from Domino’s Pizza to help fund the 2010 summer recreation program; the approval of a number of city appointments; and a new tax agreement between the city and Hoff’s Kitchen Co. Inc. to expand the business and create jobs.

Click here to see the entire agenda.
